I am a scientist turned illustrator. I create joyous and beautiful things that tell stories of science. My work aims to inspire inquiry among the audience. I believe in empowering the audience with questions than with answers.
I make zines, books, images, storyboards, and stories. Sometimes, I write, and often, I share what I know. I believe that collaborations are the core of great work.
What and why?
Robert Krulwich once said in a conversation that science, if shared joyously, will be heard. Ipsawonders is my attempt at it.
Trained in sciences, I look for the literal and the absolute. Interested in arts, I look for the abstract. In my experiments, I play with a contrast of the abstract and the absolute. The balance between the two shifts across my work.
Contact, collaborate, and support
Get in touch at [email protected] for more.
Purchase some of my work here.

Workshop and teaching
If you want a sci-art course or workshop at school or college, hit me up.
If you are a scientific research institute and would like to hear about graphical abstract design or science visualization, get in touch.
Science Communication
Storytelling science for scientists and citizen audience. I love making zines, videos, illustrated stories, and other visual media for sharing science with various publics.
If you need creative outreach content, get in touch.
Arting science
If you are a scientist or science communicator open to interesting experiments and ideas, get in touch.
I want to explore, with collaborators, how drawing can serve the process and purpose of science.
Pearl D’ Souza
Peek at work
Some of my work is here.