Actually, Colors Speak

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Actually, Colors Speak

As scientists, we wanted to make an illustrated popular science book. In this book we chose to explain about colors in animals, because they come in variety of colors and they can change colors too. While researching we also found that the changes in exterior skin color originates deep inside the cells. To showcase the changes from skin tissue, cell and intracellular elements we have adapted a graphic illustration style. To complement these illustrations, we have also narrated the science behind the cellular and molecular changes as a conversation between three characters. We wish our book will inspire new generation of students and adults to engage in scientific curiosities and ask fundamental questions when exploring nature or their surroundings.

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Meet the Team

This book is written by Minhaj Sirajuddin and Ipsa Jain, illustrated by Ipsa Jain. Edited by Somdatta Karak, Designed by Rabin Jacob.

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Minhaj Sirajuddin

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Somdatta Karak


Ipsa Jain

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Rabin Jacob

Actually, Colors Speak

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